10 Steps To Starting A Business – 09/27/23

Whether you are still exploring entrepreneurship or are ready to launch your own business, this session will break down key business-building topics to help set you up for success.

Join us in this session to learn 10 basic steps to consider when launching a new business, including choosing the right business idea, business structure, financing options, government regulations and licenses, and more.

Panelists: Susan Loveless, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Consultant

Nicole Barker, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Consultant

Zeenia Desai, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Advisor

This event is presented by IDEA.

IDEA Mississauga, Economic Development, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Division, City of Mississauga, is your central source for small business information, resources and guidance.  ideamississauga.ca  905-615-4460 IDEA@mississauga.ca @IDEAmississauga –  Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook