As part of their operations and procedures, machines are designed to make decisions. When fuzzy logic, a branch of Artificial Intelligence, is used to control a machine, it can make more intelligent and accurate decisions based on a wider variety of conditions. This leads to greater energy efficiency. In the past, explained Abraham Janabi, Xiera Technologies General Manager, fuzzy logic required weeks or even months of trial and error to work properly.”
“It meant that only very large companies could really use fuzzy logic and benefit from it over the long term,” Abraham said. “It was often too much effort and too much of an investment for smaller companies to implement.”
That changed with the invention of Xiera Technology’s Fuzzy Logic Control auto-tuner. Combined with the hardware and software package the company offers its customers, the financial and time commitment required to implement fuzzy logic on machine operations is much reduced.
“Fuzzy logic can be used in a wide variety of machines to make them more energy efficient,” explained Abraham. “We have even seen studies where it is proposed the widespread use of fuzzy logic can reduce the pollution produced by manufacturing by as much as 20 %. That will go a long way to help Canada meet its international obligation to reduce emissions. ”
Xiera Technologies now helps companies in all industries save energy, reduce their carbon footprint and speed up development of smart products without requiring in-house expert knowledge of artificial intelligence.
Recently, Xiera Technologies was one of four companies recognized by potential investors and mentors during the IDEA Scale-Up Pitch Day event hosted by the City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office. The event, which saw companies deliver 3-minute long pitches to an audience of experts, was the culminating project in the IDEA Scale-Up Program offered by the City of Mississauga to help startup companies overcome barriers to growth. Abraham reached out to the City of Mississauga to find out what kind of support they could offer Xiera and learned about the program after talking with John Lam, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Specialist with the City.
“Being involved with the Scale-Up Program has been great for us,” Abraham said. “There was so much to be gained in listening to panels of tech experts and business experts. The help we received in preparing and refining our pitch to make it understandable to the average person using factual information that is relevant to them was invaluable.”
Those lessons in communication have helped Xiera continue to chart its course forward. They not only have a business plan, but a mission to protect the environment through AI and fuzzy logic.
“We continue to reach out to get our product into industry,” Abraham said. “We’re currently working with partners to implement fuzzy logic to work with water heaters and battery charges. Those two areas alone are extremely important when it comes to saving energy, realizing cost savings on energy and reducing emissions.”
The Mississauga Business Entrepreneur Centre (MBEC) is a business unit of the City of Mississauga’s Economic Development Office. MBEC is your central source for business information, resources and guidance. For information and guidance, please contact us by phone or email.